About Creekside

Creekside Montessori is a new school located in Leawood. Creekside is modeled after our other schools, Shooting Stars Montessori School, and Bluebird Montessori School in downtown Overland Park.

Creekside’s Philosophy

We understand that children want to learn, so it is very important to teach them how. More than any other approach, the Montessori philosophy considers the whole child and their place in the community. At Creekside Montessori School, our goal is to give your child the fundamentals to succeed. Our school is dedicated to providing Montessori education for young children in a healthy and well-balanced environment, supporting the foundation of lifelong learning skills.

Montessori Methods

The Montessori method is a child-centered educational method, based on theories of child development originated by Italian educator Maria Montessori. It stresses the importance of adapting the child’s learning environment to their developmental level, and of the role of physical activity in absorbing abstract concepts and practical skills. Our curriculum is occasionally accompanied by an enjoyable mess as children are literally immersed in learning!

Highly trained Teachers

Our Montessori teachers are constant role models, setting a great example for students in behavior, communication, and orderliness. They are taught during Montessori teacher training that their primary role is to become the link between the children and their learning materials. Teachers conduct presentations to the students which creates a connection between curiosity and child interaction. Our teachers are involved in continuing professional growth annually to expand their knowledge and skills.
